The GMACS Team Meet Students at Parklife
Recently, at the Parklife festival in Heaton Park, the GMACS team met some students from Greater Manchester and asked them some quick questions about their experience.
Read their responses below to find out a bit more about what pathways you could take in the future, and why they enjoyed their studies!
Nabil, 20, Student
What do you currently do?
I study Cell Biology and I want to become a researcher in the biomedical field.
What inspired you to want to do that?
I’ve always loved the study of life and the study of biology – how all the small things that make up us are so complex but all organised in their own little pocked of beauty! I also got incredible advice from an internship I was at before where I was told I need so many more skills outside of university. Although uni itself was really good and it provided me with my education and technical knowledge, next year I’m going to work for a year in a laboratory and it will provide me with so many extra skills. Therefore, it’ll allow me to be much more of a well-rounded person and actually learn what the lab is about other than just what the lab does.

Millie, 20, Student
What do you currently do?
I study Spanish at the University of Manchester and alongside my degree, I have decided to get a job which I have been working at for 9 months in a student bar.
What have you gained from having a part-time job?
It’s given me so much confidence in talking to people, dealing with drunk and sober people, as well as making new friends. It’s also influenced me in going to Spain next year to work a full-time job in a school, helping Spanish children (and adults) to speak English and hopefully improving my connections around the world!