Choices College
Promoting employment opportunities for interns with learning difficulties/disabilities and/or Autism through a supported internship course.
Introducing Choices College
Choices College is a national Specialist Post-16 College providing a person-centred, individually-tailored Supported Internship to young adults with learning difficulties, disabilities and/or Autism. Through the internship, 16-24 year olds gain work experience, develop independence skills and increase their employability.
The service is bespoke, offering tailored support to each intern, and employment opportunities are matched to the individual’s skills. Choices College aims to empower interns and build their confidence as individuals in the workplace, while also offering life experience beyond their home and school environments.

Who can apply for the Internship?
The internship is for 16-24 year olds with SEND needs such as learning difficulties, learning disabilities and autism. There are no academic requirements to join the internship, however individuals will need to have an aspiration to work and a current Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in place. Choices College will need to be named in the EHCP as the transitioning provision, so parents and/or carers will need to be in discussion with the local commissioning authority for this to be arranged.
What is the assessment process?
Potential interns will be invited to a fun day for the College to meet the young person and assess whether Choices College can meet their needs.
How long is the Internship?
The Internship is one academic year in length and comprises of up to three placements, lasting 10-12 weeks each. Students who successfully complete their internship will leave the College with an employability qualification accredited by NCFE. And where appropriate, a maths and English qualification at a level higher than previously achieved.